bondage porn
Alyssa humilated with grotesque tight latex frog mask.
Mon, Jan 28 2008 12:00:00

It's delightful to twist the fair into the grotesque. The latex frogface hood is the perfect tool for the occasion. With stalks covering blind eyes and a small hole for air to come in and teeth to protrude, it effects her transformation from woman into drooling bondage mutant.
The heat and pressure of the hood slowly builds mashing her lips and sealing her nostrils shut. Her gasping breaths are filled with spittle as she drags air in and out, in and out, more frantic by the minute. My only regret is that she can't see what she looks like. Her humiliation would be priceless I'm sure. Ah can't have one's cake and eat it too I suppose.
Mon, Jan 28 2008 12:00:00

It's delightful to twist the fair into the grotesque. The latex frogface hood is the perfect tool for the occasion. With stalks covering blind eyes and a small hole for air to come in and teeth to protrude, it effects her transformation from woman into drooling bondage mutant.
The heat and pressure of the hood slowly builds mashing her lips and sealing her nostrils shut. Her gasping breaths are filled with spittle as she drags air in and out, in and out, more frantic by the minute. My only regret is that she can't see what she looks like. Her humiliation would be priceless I'm sure. Ah can't have one's cake and eat it too I suppose.
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